Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Back to School Tips for Homeschool Moms

Good morning!!
I cannot believe in looking at my calendar today that August is ready to come to a close. For some moms they dread the idea of getting back in the groove for school. Others have taken the time, planned all summer and are ready to jump right back in.
I fit into the half way category of these two moms. I love the idea of teaching my three year old son at home but miss the fun of summer.
We started back to school last week. I took some tips from Christian Homeschool author Heidi St. John and kept the first week light and fun. Last week, we learned colors, lots of fun songs, and creative play.  I started to see how he learns and what he really enjoys. I also really payed attention to things that could frustrate him and things that he'd rather do instead.
Tip 1: Know what your child loves and use it in your learning.
My son loves anything trains and cars. So I used this to my advantage.
First I had him sort the trains and letters by color. He loved doing this. This activity was simple. First I bought a puzzle at the Dollar Tree. It has simple ABC's.
Using this puzzle, I can teach both colors and ABC's at the same time. I gathered three plastic containers from my kitchen. Then I asked him to put the objects in the box for that color. He loved this activity. We did this about four times. Then I added in his trains. He was able to find which train went in which container.
Then we carried this activity over to his Thomas the Train playset. He loves to zoom the trains down the track. As we did this, I asked him what the name of the train was and what color it was. The point was to make learning fun. He didn't even know that he was learning because he thought that he was naming trains.
Later we transitioned to using the Blaze & the Monster Machines track to race Blaze and his friends. In doing this again, I pointed out the colors and shapes of the trucks and cars. He got really creative and decided to race his little cars on the track as well. This activity helped him learn more about shapes and colors. I also had a worksheet that went along with it but he was more interested in the hands on part than the worksheet.
Finally we finished up the day with music. He loves the Wheels on the Bus Song, Head and Shoulders, ABC song, and Old McDonald Had a Farm.
Learning is an adventure, make it a fun one. 
To me learning isn't just about books and sitting and writing lots of things.  When I homeschooled my older kids, I found some loved book work and some would rather learn by learning on site. Liam is very hands on in his learning. Liam loved to learn with legos, manipulatives, etc. He gets bored in a classroom. My daughter who is five years old, learns by doing. She learns by using her hands. So activities like playdough, bubbles, and shaving cream work for teaching her.
While my older son Dalton, learned by doing worksheets.
My second point, Don't stress. If your child can't understand something it's okay. You have all year to learn it. You can find a different way of teaching the topic or revisit it later. Remember you know your child best.
Thirdly, enjoy teaching your child. With my son, I have found books about trains and cars to teach him basic concepts instead of making him read books about things he has no interest in. I have also paid attention to what he wants to learn. Right now, he likes sticks, trees, and flowers. So for Science we went outside and did school outside. I had him take his toy car that he likes to ride and bring me the letters for the puzzle. Then I had him find sticks, point out leaves, talk about the parts of a flower, etc. It was such a fun learning adventure. He loved it so much he wanted to do it again the next day.
Fourth and most important, trust your instincts but more importantly Trust what the Lord is saying to you. God gave you your child for a reason. He knew you'd know what to do and you'd enjoy teaching them. Pray over your homeschool day. Ask the Lord to take control and be willing to if necessary - forget the lesson you planned.
When you made the decision to homeschool for whatever reason that you chose, He led you on the path you are on. Trust that and TRUST HIM. He will open doors where He wants you to learn.
If you have a bad day, it's okay. You have tomorrow. If your child is crying because he doesn't want to learn about Math because it frustrates him give him a break and teach it a different way. Homeschooling should be fun!! You are going to have moments when you want to pull your hair out. I had many!! It's not going to be picture perfect. Their are no picture perfect homeschool moms. I watched HGTV and saw the perfect homeschool room and thought that mom has it all together. But no one really does. Everyone has a struggle and a journey they are on. Embrace yours. Love your child, give them your very best, and make the adventure a fun one.
For more great tips on homeschooling visit author Heidi St. John at

Friday, August 25, 2017

4 Steps to Contentment in the Middle of a Storm

Every day we are bombarded with messages by social media and every day we see how other people have things better than we do.  How many of you have felt this way? You wake up and open your social media app. You glance through your newsfeed, twitter feed, etc and you are hit with images of picture perfect life styles. People post photos of the perfect dinner, date night, perfect kids, and an overall perfect life.
But truth is things aren't always perfect. In fact, they are far from it. Real life isn't full of the perfect pictures of a dinner that turned out fabulous, a perfect wedding, or even perfect children. What you don't see in between are the moments that aren't so picture perfect.
Social media doesn't show us the temper tantrum moments, the burned dinners, the heartache. Social media doesn't show us the moments where people are struggling because we don't like to post those. Those are the heartache moments of life.
If you were to look at my social media you'd see happy times but you'd see struggles as well. Now you won't see screaming children or messy kitchens, but you will see more than a perfect lifestyle. This is because I was taught to be authentic in who I am. 
Contentment isn't easy when you are sitting with a bunch of debt, when you are in the middle of a messy marriage, when you are fighting a custody battle that is an uphill battle, or when you get a diagnosis that you didn't think you'd ever receive. Contentment is hard. 
But in the Bible Paul talks about contentment in Philippians 4:11, "Not that I was ever in need, for  I have learned how to be content with what I have." Paul then says how he has learned the secret to living in every situation whether he has a full stomach or an empty one. 
Ouch those are some pretty powerful words that Paul speaks, he then goes on to say, "For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength."Paul says later promises in Philippians 4:19, "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." 
Now it doesn't mean you'll get that brand new Chevy van, that you'll have the most luxurious home. It means that the Lord will take care of your needs. 
I had this talk with my children a while back. What is a want and what is a need? The fact that you want to upgrade your Iphone to the latest version isn't a need, it's a want. The fact that you need to pay for food for the week. That is a need. I have seen miracles happen in my life as I have been faithful to the Lord with my finances. I often don't have enough to tithe but I will give just what I have to the Lord. He takes it, uses it, and always blesses my family. I encourage you today to stop trying to keep up with the Jones and TRUST the Lord. 
Your heavenly Father has your BEST interests at heart. He wants to BLESS YOU!! He wants you to be content in your journey. True Contentment comes from knowing and following Jesus. This too shall pass is what a friend once told me one day you will laugh about this. You will have a story to tell, you'll be able to bless someone else who is going through what you are. You will see the other side.
It's really not easy and I won't say that it is. You can sit and have what my best friend calls a pity party for yourself. I've had plenty. But after you've had your pity party. 

These are the steps to take:

1. Pray - Give the Lord your situation. He knows your needs and loves you.
2. Make a plan. Sit with a piece of paper. Write out your blessings. Write out your gifts. Write out what the Lord has given you. As you see it unfold on paper, you will see the goodness of the Lord. Right before your very eyes. 
3. Give thanks. 
4. Bless someone else. Maybe you can't bless them financially but you have a service you can do for them. If they need help cleaning their home, you can do that. You can offer an encouraging word, you can offer to babysit their kids so they can have a date night. 

You can be thankful  for the people who are seeing prosperity and know the Lord has his Best for you. Just keep trusting in Him!! 

I hope this has encouraged you today. Know that God loves you!!
I'd love to hear your comments and thoughts on contentment or even share what the Lord is doing in your life. 


Friday, August 18, 2017

Celebrations - 75th Birthday

Yesterday, my dad turned 75 years old. This is a huge milestone. I am daddy's girl. My dad growing up taught me so many things about life. But the most important thing he taught me was the value of going to church and my relationship with Jesus.

It was an honor to celebrate the life of my father with our family and friends yesterday. It's been a difficult year for our family. My father lost his wife of twenty years in November. She was an amazing woman who loved Jesus and is very missed by our family. I tell my dad the house isn't the same without Patty in it.
As many of you know when you face a death, the first year is the toughest so I wanted my dad to have the best birthday that I could give him. Decorations were easy as I didn't have my Cricut. Thank you Dollar Tree for great football decor that my brother picked out. My dad is a HUGE Steeler fan.

I found a few items on Pinterest to help make the party even better. One of them was a Memory Jar. To make a memory Jar simply take a big jar. I put lace on it and then made a few tags that said Happy Birthday and Memories. Each guest wrote down a verse or their favorite memory of my dad. It was good for him to read these after every one left.
Then I made a 75 years ago sign. It's amazing how things have changed. He loved this sign the most.
Then I had two chalkboard signs made at Walgreens photo for the table. Simple decor but delicious food. Honoring my father was important to me. I haven't always been there for him. I was caught up with raising my own family, our medical stuff, and whatever we were going through. I'm grateful to the Lord for giving me this time with my dad to take care of him, help him, and love him. My dad has faced a few rough health challenges lately. He had a mini stroke in January and another episode a few weeks ago which thankfully wasn't another stroke. Praise you Jesus!

My dad loves his family, friends, and a can of Pepsi. Okay he loves more than that but that's the main things. To all who helped us celebrate thank you!! We are very blessed to be surrounded by so much love. It's a different season but even in the midst of great grief there are blessings. The Lord continually keeps his promises and reminds me yet again I'm faithful. I love you! You're mine.
Do you have a favorite celebration that you remember? Please share it in the comments below.

Remember above all things. You are Blessed!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wait on the Lord...Be Still

This season for me seems to be all about waiting. The Bible verse that the Lord brought to me today is "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, Wait patiently for the Lord. Psalms 27:14 
I am not good at waiting. I was always one to want to leap and do whatever I think is what God has for me. But the Lord keeps telling me to Be still and wait. 
I'll be honest I'm not good at waiting. In fact when I was younger I was the kid at Christmas who wanted to open the presents early. But good things come from waiting. Maybe you're waiting on a miracle, a job, a marriage situation to change, and the Lord is giving you the wait message. Lean on the Lord. Let him minister to you in the waiting. Take time every day to press into His presence and wait on Him. Thank God while you're in the waiting room. Your miracle is around the corner!! 

Have a blessed Tuesday!!
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Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Welcome!! I'm so glad that you stopped by my brand new blog today. Remember the Joy of the Lord is your strength.

Be Blessed!!